Monday, July 13, 2015


If you didn't know already, it's "Bear Week" here in Provincetown. I've always felt like a fish out of water during Bear Week to begin with, what with having a BMI under 30 and a hairless chest, but now it's even worse, because I'm clean shaven. Just took a walk through town with the husband, and by the looks of things, they might as well add a "D" and call it, "Beard Week". Combine the current fashion trend for beards in general with a group who already favored the furry, and it seems the beards have gotten bigger and flouncier than ever, like petticoats at a square dance jamboree. As we strolled up and down Commercial Street, it seemed to my over-analytical mind that the old descriptions we've given to beards, like "VanDyke" or "Goatee", are simply no longer adequate. 
Below are the names which I have assigned to just a few of the popular beard styles we are seeing in the streets of Provincetown.  I think they speak for themselves.

"The ZZ Top"

"The Amish Farmer"

"The Hagrid"

"The Gabby Hayes" a/k/a "The Prospector"

"The GI Joe"

"The Rasputin"

"The Garden Gnome"

"The Burger King"

"The Bald Pirate"

"The BinLaden"

.. and many many more.

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